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Ghost Hunting

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August 17, 2009
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Hi. I'm new around here. I've had many personal experiences but I'm STILL terrified of ghosts. I'm starting to think it's an irrational fear since I've never been hurt by any of them. I'm trying to conquer this fear by starting a ghost hunting team, assuming that I'll eventually be desensitized through frequent exposure to these... disembodied people. So if any of you have any ghost hunting experience that you'd be willing to share with a rookie it would be much appreciated. Any tips on equipment, reviewing evidence, investigation protocol, and/or team dynamics would be very helpful. I humbly admit I know nothing outside of what I've learned from watching Taps work on SyFy. Thanks.

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`Truthfully I don't think that would be the best idea for someone who's terrified of ghosts.

I say this because I'm not sure how many times I've seen and heard of people going into a place without proper knowledge of the situation. In some cases ghosts can follow you home and cause some major havoc, and in those cases a lot of times people don't even know it was a ghost until they've gotten hurt.

If you really would like to start investigating paranormal activity I high recommend seeking out an organization in your area (that's been around for a while at least) and seeing if they would let you tag along on one of their investigations.

On the case that you don't or can't do that, always remember to take at least one person with you, especially when entering any dilapidated buildings, for obvious reasons lol, and never, NEVER try to provoke the dead, they don't appreciate it.

Well good luck with your fear, and despite what I said, most ghosts aren't out to hurt any of us, some can even border on friendly if you're willing to have patience and understanding for them!

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`Doing research in your public library is a first. the TAPS tv show is good for beginners, but for me the full spectrum of ghost hunting is be represented by PARANORMAL-STATE produced on A&E tv. Besides using the scientific equipment, after identifying if its energy imprint (no ghost, just a psychic movie of the past playing over & over again) if its not, then they try to identify what the active energy is, is it a human or animal ghost, is it an earth/elemental spirit, is it a demon. They bring in Preists, Pastors, Shamans, Demonologists, psychics, whatever is needed for the location. If it is a human spirit stuck on earth, they try to send it onto heaven or the next level. If its an upset earth/element they research ways to apease it (usually by replacing the trees or shrubs that were removed by the home owner) If its a demon they bring in demonologist to help identify it and see if it's attached to the land, building or person. Then they try varioius methods to remove or bind it using help from outsid. If you don't know what your doing, and you don't know how to protect yourself, your headed for trouble. Before joining any ghost hunting group, make sure they have procedures for protections for befure, during and after ghost hunting. Then enjoy! (ps the black-box/olivus/Franks-box or whatever they are calling it now, is really amazing !

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`I just wanted to add - respect is pretty huge- im not huge on ghost hunting btw[by saying that i would be but [no exp] i would go on a ghost tour to start off].

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`I have had multiple experiences in the paranormal side of things, I love it, I am currently at my parents until tomorrow, its an old house, active pretty much all the time, some weird s--- happens lol .

I love going ghost hunting, its well fun, the adrenaline rush I get from it just keeps me going its epic :]

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June 12, 2011
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`hey all i love anything to do with ghost and over nighters ive had a fair few things happen to me ive bin on 9 over nighters woodchester mansion twice the ancient ram inn 4 time warwick castle ones that was with haunted and drakelow tunnels and guys cliffe house them last 2 places wear with most haunted's phill whyman

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April 13, 2013
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`Just want to add that, having lived in a few places with ghosts (the place I live in now, the ghost has the habit of walking up and down the stairs - not seen it, just the three of us living here have heard it), you don't necessarily have to ghost hunt at night. The reason it's done that way on tv is to make it scarier than it really is. Of course, it's quieter at night but this myth that ghosts only roam about at 3 am is silly. So...try ghost hunting in a known location during the day, go with others, don't assume every noise is a spirit, don't freak yourself out before you even begin, and don't assume all things that go bump in the night are demons or something. In my experience - and I am Wiccan - they aren't. If you experience something, try to debunk it first. And have fun!

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November 27, 2012
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`I agree with Lady Muse. The most power tool you can possess as a "Ghost Hunter" or ParanormalInvestigator is a great sense of observation. It seems everyone is quick to credit everything to the paranormal these days. Teams go into places with a predetermined disposistion as to whether it is haunted or not.

I myself prefer to rely on collected Data. Often times people also confuse Supernatural Phenomena and Paranormal Activity. They are actually different things. Think of Paranormal Activity as a "disease", and supernatural phenomena as the "symptoms".

Part of being a good Investigator is being able to logically determine Supernatutal Phenomena as mistaken Natural Activity.

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April 7, 2012
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`Watching Ghost Adventures is the best. But it is true not to provoke the spirits. They will get provoked if they're evil on their own, especially if your on their turf and you talk to spirits that you don't want them to. And that is really true about them roaming around and making their presence know in the morning, noon, night, basically all the time, especially if they inhabit your house or where you work. Been around this type of stuff my whole life and I first and foremost don't make it my life, I do what I gotta do then maybe make time for "them." It would also be best to decipher between spirit and demon. You don't want to entertain the demonic, those should be the first to go. And I like the whole collected data, talk to people, especially go to places in a group or a buddy and ask questions if you have heard that something "paranormal" has gone on and use your gut instinct. One way to get rid of fear is to overcome it, especially things like this because like it or not we have to learn to live or get rid of things like this, they are part of everyday living here on this earth. Have any questions or comments about anything I put on here, don't hesitate to ask or comment.

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September 21, 2023
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:58 pm    Post subject:
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If you are terrified, I would not suggest trying to investigate as a means of dealing with your fears. Fear is an energy, and can either be a source of "ramped" up activity, or you can also leave yourself very open. I've been investigating and experimenting, for well over 30 years, and have seen both happen. I would also suggest that whatever you see on the TV, - throw all of it away. TV is for entertainment only, and what is being shown serves only that purpose. The "gadgets that they all use, were made with the intent of making money off of them, not actually detecting activity. Find someone who has been investigating for long time, and pick their brain. Most of all, try to get your fear toned down before you try and start investigating.

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